

statement of faith

We believe:

That the Bible is the inspired word of God.
That there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

That Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, He was born of the Virgin Mary, He lived a sinless life, and He was crucified for our sins and rose again.

That the most important thing in the entire world is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and faith.

That women are created in the image of God, uniquely gifted and empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve and build up the body of Christ.

That the Holy Spirit cleanses the believer from all sin and is living within us enabling the believer to live the Christian life.

That a relationship with Christ comes only through God's grace not by man's effort and must be received personally by repentance.

That the local church exsits to encourage growth in every believer.

That  God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its appropriate end. Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly, the dead will be raised, and Christ will judge all men in righteousness.

That we should share Jesus Christ with our community and the world.