Anna, TX

Breaking Free

December 13 , 2019




(due at registration) 

4 Spots available for this trip

This team will lead the women in a fun project and a time of sharing.   The Belle & Sparrows team will bring a message of worthiness to the women of Breaking Free! 


Casual attire, (no sweats) shorts must be knee length, no tank tops or anything too flashy.

If you have a Belle & Sparrows shirt please wear it - if you would like to purchase it they are $25 and you can purchase in advance from the website.

What to bring:

Drivers license 

Serving Heart & Listening ear.



We will need to arrive by 6:00pm at Breaking Free in Anna - we will send you the address upon registration.  If you would like to carpool together let us know and we will announce where to meet as we get closer to the date.


We will have an Amazon wishlist for you to share on social media with friends and family etc. to help provide some basic needs for the women and the ministry.


To make your payment and reserve your space payment  click on the link below and it will take you to our Giving page:

 select Mission trip donation - add your name and select trip "Breaking Free" 

If you are mailing a check you can make that out to Belle & Sparrows and mail to:

   PO Box 866876, Plano, TX 75086